2021年3月3日 — Open the Edge. Click the 3 dots at the upper right side of your screen. Click Abou Microsoft Edge, it will show you the version you are using.
Please use the latest version of Chrome, Edge, Opera, Firefox, or Safari". Sometimes it really might be related to the version of your browser. Please update it or try another one. Supported browsers include Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Edge and m
2022年4月11日 — If you are getting an error message indicating that your browser is not supported by your Adobe apps, use a modern browser that has Javascript ...
You are on an unsupported browser. Rejoin the session from a Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser. You are on an older Google Chrome version. Update your ...
2023年7月27日 — A not supported statement on a website may mean that some browsers are blocked or identified by the site's detection methods. By giving ...